Chengdu-Chongqing High-Speed Trains
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Chengdu-Chongqing High-Speed Trains

Written by Fabio Updated Mar. 13, 2024

Chengdu and Chongqing are popular tourist cities in southwest China. The transportation between the two cities is very convenient. High-speed trains run frequently from early in the morning to late at night, with the interval time of 10 minutes. The shorest travel time is less than one and a half hours. Second class seat is US$24 per ticket. High-speed trains operate at different train stations in both cities. Please double check which station your train departs from/arrives at to make sure you go to the right one.

Chengdu to Chongqing High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 7th, 2025)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
D3058 06:10 08:32 2h 22m
D620 07:00 08:55 1h 55m
D954 07:47 09:42 1h 55m
G1983 08:05 09:48 1h 43m
G3479 08:45 10:49 2h 4m
G8609 09:23 10:58 1h 35m
G8611 10:41 11:44 1h 3m
G8621 13:32 15:13 1h 41m
G8665 15:32 16:49 1h 17m
C8575 22:15 23:41 1h 26m

For up-to-date train timetable, please click Chengdu to Chongqing high-speed train schedules.

Please note: Most Chengdu to Chongqing high-speed trains depart from Chengdu East Railway Station. A few depart from Chengdu South and Chengdu railway stations.

Chongqing to Chengdu High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 7th, 2025)

Train Number Departure Arrival Duration
G8650 06:30 07:51 1h 21m
G8702 08:21 10:03 1h 42m
G1976 09:29 10:53 1h 24m
G8614 10:33 11:47 1h 14m
G8616 11:26 12:28 1h 2m
G8620 12:52 14:10 1h 18m
C5577 14:33 16:59 2h 26m
G8628 16:37 18:20 1h 43m
G8674 17:31 19:05 1h 34m
G3594 20:44 22:07 1h 23m

Chengdu-Chongqing High-Speed Train Ticket Fares

Business Class First Class Second Class
US$86 (CNY614) US$39 (CNY281) US$25 (CNY175)

How to Book Chongqing-Chengdu Train Ticket

Chengdu - Chongqing train, China trainChengdu - Chongqing train

Booking China train tickets online with China Highlights is the most convenient way. Tickets can be booked more than 30 days in advance. You can choose to collect tickets at the train station yourself or have the tickets delivered to your hotel or Chinese address. Bilingual instructions will be provided, make your China train booking and train trip smooth and hassle-free.

Search Chongqing – Chengdu bullet train and book tickets now.

Transportation to Train Station

There are several train stations in large cities including Chengdu and Chongqing. Make sure you don't go to the wrong one before boarding the train.

Chongqing North Station (in Chinese: 重庆北站)

Located in Yubei District, Chongqing North Railway Station serves most of the normal-speed trains and some of high-speed trains. And it is the main station connecting to Chengdu.

Chengdu East Station (in Chinese: 成都东站)

Newly built in 2011, Chengdu East Railway Station is the largest station in Chengdu. It is also one of the largest stations in Southwest China.

Chengdu North Station (in Chinese: 成都北/成都站)

Chengdu North Station, also known as Chengdu Railway Station, is the main station for normal-speed trains departing from / arriving at Chengdu.

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China