Xi'an-Zhangjiajie Trains
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Xi'an-Zhangjiajie Trains

Written by Fabio Updated Mar. 10, 2024

At present, there are 11 pairs of ordinary trains running on Xi'an-Zhangjiajie rail line, with a distance of about 1,100 kilometers, or 682 miles. The travel time of the train journey from Zhangjiajie to Xi'an is about 15 hours (spend a day), and 18 hours from Xi'an to Zhangjiajie (spend a night and a day). This train operates at the centrally located Xi'an and Zhangjiajie railway stations. Soft sleeper or hard sleeper is recommended if you take this train.

Xi'an to Zhangjiajie Train Schedule

(Updated on March 10th, 2024)

Train Number Arrival Time Departure Time Duration
T197 03:46 17:21 13h 35m
T307 06:56 19:56 13h 00m
Z41 08:43 21:27 12h 44m
K367 12:15 02:23 (next day) 14h 8m

Xi'an to Zhangjiajie up-to-date train schedule.

Zhangjiajie to Xi'an Train Schedule

(Updated on March 10th, 2024)

Train Number Arrival Time Departure Time Duration
T270 02:56 18:43 15h 47m
Z42 06:36 20:41 14h 5m
Z306 09:25 23:27 14h 2m
K368 17:31 11:20 (next day) 17h 49m

Xi'an-Zhangjiajie Train Ticket Fares

Superior Soft Sleeper Soft Sleeper Hard Sleeper Hard Seat
US$106 (CNY755.5) US$58 (CNY409.5) US$37 (CNY261.5) US$22 (CNY152.5)

Xi'an to Zhangjiajie by High-Speed Train

At present, there is no high-speed train to reach Zhangjiajie. Several high-speed rail lines to Zhangjiajie are under construction. And this city is now building its high-speed train station-Zhangjiajie West Railway Station. High-Speed trains to Zhangjiajie is expected to be put into service in 2020.

Currently, if you would like to take a high-speed train from Xi'an to Zhangjiajie, or have more transportation options, transfer at Changsha, the capital city of Hunan Province, is a good choice.

Xi'an to Zhangjiajie High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 10th, 2024)

Xi'an North to Changsha South
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
G824 09:50 16:19 6h 29m
G866 10:50 17:12 6h 22m
Changsha to Zhangjiajie
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
G5900 17:35 19:35 2h
G6063 18:17 20:57 2h 40m

Zhangjiajie to Xi'an High-Speed Train Schedules

(Updated on March 10th, 2024)

Zhangjiajie to Changsha
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
D7467 08:48 11:08 2h 20m
G5875 10:24 12:28 5 h 29 m
Changsha South to Xi'an North
Train Number Departure Time Arrival Time Duration
G822 12:57 19:22 6h 25m
G838 14:07 20:13 6h  6m

Xi'an-Changsha-Zhangjiajie Train Ticket Fares

Route Second Class First Class
Xi'an-Changsha US$79 (CNY563) US$127 (CNY901)
Changsha-Zhangjiajie US$39 (CNY275.5) US$64 (CNY451.5)

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